Get ready for your touch-free car wash experience in Speedway, Indiana!

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As your local car washing company, we strive to give outstanding service to our loyal, Speedway customers. As much as we try to keep all of our machines functioning properly, issues arise when you may lose money. If this happens to you, please click the button to the right and fill out our form to report your issue. Thank you for your patience and for supporting local businesses.


Touch-Free Automatic Car Wash

Using our touch-free service is the safest way to wash your vehicle. Being touch-free insures nothing on your vehicle will be harmed by rags or rollers. Try one of our 2 automatic, touch-free washing bays today!

Self-Service Car Wash

For those of you who enjoy pampering your vehicle yourself, we have everything you need to leave clean and shining. We have 9 self-serve car wash bays with power-wash wands, foaming brushes, and more.

Interior Detailing

Get your interior looking clean with one of our 14 vacuums! We make cleaning your interior easy with our conveniently placed vacuuming stations.


Touch-Free Carwash Technology

The touch free automatic car wash system uses high pressure water and advanced chemical solutions to loosen debris and leave your car sparkling. This protects your vehicle’s finish from hard brushes and reduces wear on your car. It is safe for convertibles as well!

We are dedicated to putting people first and staying the most affordable carwash in Speedway!


Do-It-Yourself Service Bays

Do you like to wash your car yourself, without needing to buy a ton of products? We have everything you need in one convenient location! Our car wash bays offer a pre-soaking spray, foaming brush, power wash wand, and more! After washing your vehicle, add a protectant coat for added shine and protection.



You will find us located just west of the roundabout by the Indianapolis Motor Speedway entrance!

4980 Crawfordsville Rd.
Speedway, Indiana 46224

More Info

We are now under new management and have updated equipment!

COVID-19 Car Care Tips

According to, a steering wheel can have 4 times the amount of germs found on an average toilet seat. Follow these tips from AutoTrader to protect yourself.